Visit my introduction page for more information
Lost HighwayHuman and Amazon rights, writer, freelance journalist
I live in the Colombian Amazon, in the Guaviare, a place where the birds sing every morning to welcome me, and the rivers roar help me cool down. I used to live in Africa and then travelled for 5 years in Latin America, residing among indigenous peoples, such as the
Bri-bris in Costa Rica, the
Kogis in Colombia, the
Qeros in Peru, the
Uchupiamona in Bolivia, and the
Guaranis in Paraguay. I am passionate about archeology (I (re) discovered
ruins in Peru) and ancient arts, but do not mind trying to understand quantum physics or modern art. I like literature and philosophy, love
cinema thats makes you dream intelligently. I am interested in the present and the past, because the future concerns us all.

BackgroundI am the founder of the
Guardians of the Amazon (2024-), an NGO dedicated to
protecting the Amazon and its original inhabitants. I am also a
tourism promoter (2024-), aiming to offer alternatives to former guerrillas and drug traffickers in Colombia. I am a freelance
journalist (2020-), helping sometimes marginalized communities to make their voice heard. I am also an
international consultant on human rights (2023-), helping activists to pursue their goals with maximum efficiency. I hold a master's degree in international relations from the
Graduate institute (2001-2005), I am the former director of programmes of
UPR Info (2008-2017), an international
human rights NGO that I co-founded. I was also national manager at
EAGLE (an NGO fighting against
trafficking in protected animals, 2017-2019). In this role, I was in charge of infiltrating criminal networks to put an end to their illegal activities. I was member of the Committee of the
Green party of Geneva (2011-2012), in Switzerland. As a volunteer journalist and activist for
Amnesty International's Swiss chapter (2010-2013), I organized many activities to denounce
the death penalty and torture all over the world. Finally, I am the author of
Pour une poignée d'ivoire (2023), a
book about my experience in wildlife counter-trafficking in Africa.
I honor the ethical and practical fights, that is to say those for which my action can make a difference for the most disadvantaged, be they humans or animals.

Last blogs

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The end of the liberal order – a call for mobilizationTrump’s election is not only a catastrophe for Americans, who will have to endure the Project 2025; it is also the end of the liberal order. The liberal order is the structure put in place in the post-war era to resolve conflicts between states: through institutions such as the UN, the WHO and even the […]

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