Apart from your clothing, a number of useful items form your basic equipment. These comprise a Backpack and a belt on which hang your Ammo Pouch, Medi-kit, Water Canteen, and Hunting Knife. In addition to these items, you possess a Map of Central Texas, which you carry tucked inside your leather jacket.
Up to ten separate items may be stored and carried in your Backpack at any time. However, if more than three items are carried, your Stealth level will be reduced by 1 point. If more than six items are carried, your Stealth level will be reduced by 2 points; and if you carry a full Backpack (containing ten items), your Stealth level will be reduced by 3 points.
In order to equip yourself for the task ahead, you may choose up to four items from the following list:
- Solar Torch
- HE (High Explosive) Grenade
- Binoculars
- Compass
- CB Radio
- Signal Flare
- Three Meals (each Meal takes up one space in your Backpack)
- Flexible Saw
- Geiger Counter
List the items you have chosen on your Action Chart. If you have picked four items, adjust your current Stealth level accordingly.
Opportunities may arise during your adventure for you to pick up useful items. These items will appear in the text in bold print and, unless you are instructed otherwise, they can be stored and carried in your Backpack.
You will need to eat regularly. If you do not possess any food when you are instructed to eat a Meal, you will lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
Ammo Pouch
Your Ammo Pouch is where you store any spare ammunition for firearms. It can hold a maximum of the following:
40 rounds of 9mm calibre Pistol/Machine Pistol ammunition
20 rounds of 7.62mm calibre Rifle ammunition
10 rounds of 12-gauge calibre Shotgun ammunition
When carrying mixed calibres of ammunition, use this equation to check how much space you have left in your Ammo Pouch:
4 x 9mm rounds = 2 x 7.62 rounds = 1 x 12 gauge round
Additional ammunition can be carried in your Backpack. Ammunition occupies one space for each quantity that is equal to (or less than) the maximum that can be carried in one Ammo Pouch.
A well-stocked Medi-kit can make all the difference to your chances of survival should you suffer injury in the field or as a result of combat. It contains useful first aid supplies, such as dressings, antiseptics, antibiotics, water purification tablets, sulfonamides, pain killers, potassium iodide tablets (to delay absorption of radioactivity), and sutures.
For convenience, these medical supplies are grouped into units. To find how many units you have in your Medi-kit, pick a number from the Random Number Table (0 equals 10) and add 2. Your total score equals the number of units with which you begin your adventure. To keep a record of them, circle the appropriate number of unit symbols in the Medi-kit section of your Action Chart. The maximum number of units you can carry in your Medi-kit is twelve.
You may use your Medi-kit units to restore lost ENDURANCE points; each unit used in this way restores 3 points. Units cannot be used to restore ENDURANCE points in lieu of a Meal or Water when instructed to eat or drink.
Water Canteen
Water is essential to life, and your life will depend on having a sufficient, uncontaminated supply. You will need to drink regularly during your adventure. One drink is equivalent to half a pint and your canteen holds exactly two pints of water: enough for one day’s needs. When instructed to drink, be sure to tick off one box in the Water section of your Action Chart.
If you do not have any Water when instructed to drink, you must lose 3 ENDURANCE points.