The fleeing man sees you and fires twice, but his aim is awry and the bullets pass high above your head. You raise your gun and order him to stop but he ignores your call. He shoots again and you return fire, killing him cleanly with a shot to the heart. (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.)
Cutter appears and beckons you over to the diner. Inside the doorway lies the body of another man, a rifle resting across his bloodstained chest. ‘I reckon these two were from that Maverick gang that Rickenbacker warned us about,’ says Cutter, as he searches through the dead man’s pockets. ‘Seems like the Lions ain’t the only ones we gotta look out for.’
You help Cutter search the bodies and the diner. You discover the following items:
- Pistol (with two rounds of 9mm ammunition)
- Rifle (with two rounds of 7.62mm ammunition)
- Water Canteen containing enough water for three Drinks
- Serum, sulfonamides, and dressings, sufficient for three Medi-kit units.
- Flick knife (2)
- Club (2)
- Binoculars
- Rope
- Fire Extinguisher
If you wish to keep any of the items, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.
As soon as your flat tyre has been repaired and the highway swept clear of spikes, you climb back into your roadster and lead the convoy on towards Big Spring.