It is not until you reach the town of Trent, seven miles beyond the bridge, that you consider it safe to slow down and allow the convoy to resume its cruising speed. The sniper attack and the burning midday sun have left you shaking and streaming with sweat. You must now take a Drink or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
The battered houses and stores of this Texan town slip past and once again a featureless plain of broken, sun-baked earth stretches before you. Your pulse has just returned to normal when you notice, out of the corner of your eye, something that sets it racing once more. Less than a mile to the north a small cloud of dust is moving across the plain parallel to the freeway. Slowly it draws nearer until you can hear the sound of two motorcycles and glimpse the ugly faces of their riders. They are both standing to help balance their bouncing machines, and as they approach the freeway, they open their throttles and lift their front wheels in a display of bravado. They draw level with your roadster, one on either side, and you notice the symbol that is painted on the sides of their fuel tanks. It is the head of a lion with its teeth bared: the symbol of the Detroit Lions clan.
The clansman to your right shouts something but the rush of wind steals his words. You sense something land in the car, and when you turn to look, you are horrified to see a live grenade lying on the passenger seat beside you.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table, and add to it your Driving and Stealth skill totals.
If your total score is now 11 or less, turn to 236.
If your total score is now 12 or more, turn to 165.