Highway Holocaust


Fifty miles of broken highway lie between you and the town of Albany. By mid-afternoon the temperature has climbed above 110° Fahrenheit, and the combined effects of the scorching heat and the poor road surface begin to take its toll on those travelling aboard the crowded bus. As you approach the outskirts of a small town called Moran, Cutter signals for you to stop. ‘We’ve got six people down with heat exhaustion and four more on the brink,’ he says, his face awash with sweat. ‘We’ve got to get ’em out of this travelling oven and let ’em rest awhile in the shade.’

You suggest that the convoy waits in Moran while you go on ahead to make sure that Albany is safe to enter. By the time you have checked it out and returned, the worst of the afternoon heat will have passed and the colony will be better able to continue. Before you leave for Albany you must take a Drink or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Unless you possess a tub of Salt, you must reduce your current ENDURANCE score by 4 points, due to excessive salt loss.

Turn to 343.

Project AonHighway Holocaust