‘We won’t be a’ skirtin’ ’round this place,’ says Cutter, casting a critical eye over the surrounding landscape. ‘The land here’s too craggy. The bus and the tanker’d not get a hunnerd yards. Nope, our only chance is to hit ’em before they get muled up. If we go now we could cut straight through that lil’ ol’ town and be on our way to Big Spring before they know what’s happened!’
The plan is put to Uncle Jonas and he agrees that it is the colony’s best chance of reaching Big Spring before nightfall. Kate volunteers to ride shotgun with you at the head of the convoy. Uncle Jonas will follow in the tanker and Cutter will close up behind with the bus, enabling those with guns to man the back window and keep any pursuers at bay.
Within a few minutes the plan is relayed to the colony and the vehicles are drawn up in line, ready to run the Coahoma gauntlet.