You awake ten hours later in a schoolroom bathed in bright sunlight. The storm has passed during the night and the sun has returned, bringing with it the oppressive heat. ‘Ninety-two degrees already,’ says Cutter, tapping at an old mercuric thermometer that hangs on the wall. ‘And it’s not yet eight o’clock. Today’s a day for fryin’ eggs on the sidewalk … if we had any eggs, that is.’
Soon the colony is busy making preparations to leave. After clearing away the dust you check your roadster thoroughly, making sure that the fuel is clean and that the engine runs as smoothly as ever. Meanwhile, Cutter oversees a group who are working on the bus and Uncle Jonas heads another team who are servicing the tanker. The others, led by Kate, search the school for anything that could be useful on the road ahead. By mid-morning the convoy is back on the road, following Interstate 20 away from the dust-blown ruins of Abilene on the next stage of the journey west.
You have been driving for little over an hour when you see a bridge in the distance and notice a glint of sunlight bouncing off a point near the centre of the parapet. Not until you are within 100 yards of the bridge do you realize what is causing the reflection: it is the telescopic sight of a sniper’s rifle and it is aimed directly at you.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table, and add it to your Driving and Stealth skill totals.
If your total score is now 7 or less, turn to 326.
If your total is now 8–13, turn to 104.
If your total is now 14 or more, turn to 21.