‘Yahoo! There she is!’ screams Cutter, pointing excitedly at a fortified settlement that has just appeared in the distance. ‘Big Spring! We’ve made it!’
All the hardships that have been suffered en route are instantly forgotten when the members of the colony look upon their destination. Suddenly the bus is filled with laughing, crying, cheering people as everyone reaffirms their hope that this journey is the first step towards the civilization they once knew.
A green flare climbs into the darkening sky and bursts over the town, signalling that the Big Spring colony has seen you approaching. Pop Ewell makes radio contact, and passes on their welcome. ‘They say the freeway gate is open. All we got t’ do is drive straight in.’
The Mavericks seemed to give up the chase as soon as they saw the flare, and now the freeway looks deserted. You join Cutter at the front of the bus and scan the landscape for some sign of your roadster, but the only other vehicle you can see is the tanker, trundling along a few hundred yards ahead.
A few minutes later you see your car in the distance, parked at the side of the freeway. As you draw nearer you get ready to wave to Kate. Your heart almost stops when, with horror, you see that two motorcycles are parked alongside, and Kate is embroiled in a desperate hand-to-hand struggle with their riders. ‘Stop the bus, Cutter!’ you shout. ‘It’s Kate; she’s in trouble.’
Cutter slows the bus and you leap out onto the freeway and run towards Kate. ‘Help me, Cal!’ she screams, as the Mavericks try to bundle her, kicking and punching, into a sidecar attached to one of their machines. A blow to the back of her head with the stock of a machine pistol brings an end to her resistance. Then, as you approach, the biker turns and fires a long burst from the hip.
Add your current ENDURANCE points score to your Stealth skill total.
If you total is 8 or less, turn to 221.
If your total is 9 or more, turn to 290.