‘One of them’s heading for the roadster,’ you say, watching anxiously as the clansman scurries around the rim. ‘I’m going to stop him before he gets there!’ Kate protests, but you are determined to save your car, and reluctantly she agrees to cover you as best she can with the tiny Derringer pistol that she carries in her boot.
‘I call it “Chihuahua”,’ she quips, as she cocks the double-hammers and gets ready to fire. ‘It don’t look much but it makes one helluva noise!’
You scan the slope. When you have picked out the best place to make your climb, you break cover and zigzag along the shore towards it. Immediately, the machine gunner opens up on you. Kate replies with a single shot and he diverts his fire back to the rocks and bushes. Swiftly you claw your way to the top of the slope and run straight at the clansman, grimly determined to intercept him before he can do any damage to your roadster. He sees you approaching, draws a pistol, and, still running, empties it at your chest.
Add your Stealth skill total to your current ENDURANCE points score.
If your total is 9 or less, turn to 258.
If it is 10 or more, turn to 83.