On your speedy return to the convoy, Uncle Jonas tells you that a moving cloud of dust was sighted to the north soon after you left to scout Denton. Judging by the short time it took to cross the horizon, he suspects that it could only have been made by a large gang of bikers on the move. ‘We’d best swing aroun’ Denton by the southwest,’ he says, squinting at a tattered old route map that he has spread across the hood of your roadster, ‘just in case it was some o’ them Yankees you tumped in Sherman.’
You gaze at the now-empty horizon and nod in agreement. ‘You take point, Cal,’ he says, as he folds his map and goes off to pass word of the detour to Cutter and the others. You see fear and uncertainty in their eyes as Uncle Jonas explains the sudden change of plan. As soon as he is back behind the wheel of the bus, you start your engine and lead the convoy away to the southwest, towards a parched bowl of cracked and barren land that was once the bed of Lake Lewisville.
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