The familiar outline of McKinney appears on the horizon and you increase speed. You are keen to return as quickly as you can and warn the colony of the danger now approaching from the north. Your return is met with mixed feelings: all are upset to hear that Long Jake is dead, and many are disappointed that you could not save the cache of rifles and ammunition that he found. However, all, without exception, are thankful that you are still alive and, despite the threat of a revenge attack by Mad Dog Michigan, they welcome Kate to the colony with open arms.
In the light of this new threat to your safety it is decided that the colony should not wait until tomorrow to begin its long journey west. With all the major preparations already completed, the convoy is loaded and ready to move off within the hour. All that remains to do, once the convoy is at a safe distance, is to set fire to the ranch. This will destroy the supplies you are forced to leave behind, preventing them from falling into the hands of either Mad Dog Michigan, or the murderous city gangs of Dallas and Fort Worth.
Once the Ewell ranch is ablaze, you lead the convoy cross-country towards Denton. There you hope to pick up Interstate 35 and follow it south on the first stage of your journey to Big Spring. Two miles outside Denton, you signal to the others to halt while you go ahead and make sure that the town is empty and the freeway is clear of obstructions.
Add together your current levels of Field Craft and Perception. Now, pick a number from the Random Number Table (0 = zero) and add this to your score.
If your total is now 6–12, turn to 155.
If it is 13 or more, turn to 46.