You squeeze the trigger and immediately the rider throws his hands to his face. He swoons, falls backwards, and then tumbles from the saddle. Before the sidecar rider can jump free, the speeding machine careers off the road into the wall of an office building, and explodes in a searing ball of flame. (Remember to deduct the relevant number of rounds from your Ammo Pouch.)
With grim satisfaction you stare at the burning wreckage, but your gaze is soon distracted by a column of motorcycles—the main body of the clan—as it rides into view. They are now less than a mile from the bridge. ‘C’mon you two!’ shouts Cutter. ‘It’s time to go.’ The tanker has made it across the platform and is now parked with the other vehicles on the far side of the river. Kate is running towards you from the factory, and as she reaches the bridge, you call out to her: ‘Set the bomb! I’ll cover you!’
Tensely you watch the clansmen as they gun their bikes along the freeway, and you glance repeatedly over your shoulder, praying for Kate to signal that the bomb is ready. Then the front line of bikers opens fire with their machine pistols, and suddenly the air is filled with the whine and whistle of bullets. ‘It’s ready!’ shouts Kate, and takes off across the bridge at a run.
Add together your current ENDURANCE points score and your Stealth skill total. (Note: If your ENDURANCE is low and you are heavily encumbered, it may be advisable to discard some of your Backpack Items in order to increase your Stealth skill level.)
If your total is 11 or less, turn to 324.
If your total is 12 or more, turn to 200.