Highway Holocaust


After two hours of painfully slow driving, the convoy reaches the far side of the lake, only to discover a hostile reception awaiting it. Just as you had suspected, the spy you saw earlier was a city gang member, one of a group of bikers out foraging for food. He has alerted the others in his group and now they lie in ambush, like a pack of hungry jackals, waiting for the convoy to come within range of their guns.

You have just cleared the top of the slope that marks the old shoreline of Lake Lewisville when the bikers make their presence felt. A volley of shots ricochets off the hood and side of your roadster, forcing you to swerve to a halt. Grabbing your gun, you leap out of the car and scream a warning to the others as you take cover at the edge of the lake. Cutter and Kate come running up the slope to join you but, just as they reach your side, a harsh voice yells out: ‘There are more than thirty of us here and we’re armed to the teeth. You don’t stand a chance. Throw down your weapons and surrender and we’ll spare your lives!’

Turn to 247.

Project AonHighway Holocaust