It takes half an hour to reach Santo and rendezvous with the colony. They have set up camp on a knoll of bare ground that overlooks a watercourse known as Pinto Creek, now completely dry. Uncle Jonas orders that the vehicles be drawn into a circle, like a ring of wagons in the Wild West, to offer the best protection against the threat of a night raid. Lots are drawn to see who will stand the first watch; unfortunately, you pick the shortest straw.
It is an hour after midnight when you spot a cluster of lights in the middle distance. The bikers are less than a mile away to the east, and approaching at speed. With only a few minutes at most before they reach the camp, you sound the alarm.
Like a pack of screaming demons the marauding bikers descend on the convoy, shooting wildly as they weave in and out of the circle. One of the bikers guns his machine towards you, forcing you to dive aside to avoid being ridden down. You are staggering to your feet when another attacks you from behind.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Stealth skill total.
If your total is now 9 or less, turn to 265.
If your total is now 10 or more, turn to 289.