Highway Holocaust


Steering with only your left hand, you snatch your Beretta auto from your shoulder holster with your right hand and thumb back its safety catch. The ruins are beginning to thin out and, as you hit the stony, pot-holed wasteland that surrounds the town, you dare not take your eyes off the ground ahead for fear of crashing. Without turning your head, you point your pistol over your shoulder and squeeze the trigger in the hope of hitting your attacker.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current Shooting and Perception skill totals. For every bullet you decide to fire, add an additional point to your total (but be sure to erase them from your Ammo Pouch).11

If your total score is now 13 or less, turn to 259.

If it is 14 or more, turn to 174.

[11] While the text of this section implies that you can decide how many bullets to fire after picking a number from the Random Number Table, this creates an inappropriate level of foreknowledge (i.e. you would know exactly how many bullets you’ll need to fire in order to turn to the more desirable section). It is recommended that you pick a number from the Random Number Table only after you have decided how many bullets to fire.

Project AonHighway Holocaust