The evil-sounding laughter is cut short by a deafening roar as both barrels of a Browning Citori are discharged at the counter. The heavy loads rip through the front, bringing down most of the rickety shelves that line the back wall. A cascade of bottles and glasses rains down on your head, causing you further injury as you scurry towards the end of the counter: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
Ahead, beneath the staircase, you see a door with an unlit sign above it that reads:
Use in Case of Emergency Only
‘I reckon this constitutes an emergency,’ you mutter, as you get ready to break cover and run towards the door. Just as you are about to leave your hand brushes against the stock of a sawn-off shotgun that is lying on a shelf beneath the counter. Both hammers are cocked and the chamber tags show that both barrels are loaded.
If you wish to take the weapon, turn to 176.
If you decide to ignore it, turn to 84.