The glare of a dozen motorcycle headlights follows in the wake of the convoy. The Mavericks who survived your brief but devastating visit to Coahoma are now in pursuit, and they are closing the gap swiftly. Shots are fired from the back of the bus, bringing down two of the leading bikes, but they do not prevent the others from moving alongside. Anxiously you watch in your rear-view mirror as the pillion riders risk their lives to jump aboard. The few who survive the leap without falling under the wheels gain entry by kicking their way through the windows.
Suddenly the bus loses speed. You sense that something is seriously amiss and you fall back to find out what is wrong. You wave the tanker on then slow almost to a standstill in order to allow Cutter to catch up. As he draws nearer you see that a running battle is taking place on board. You accelerate, bringing your roadster alongside the boarding door; then you tell Kate to move over into the driving seat and take the wheel. As soon as she has control of the car, you coil yourself like a spring and leap towards the door of the bus.
Add your current ENDURANCE points score to your Stealth skill level, and make a note of the total in the margin of your Action Chart. Now, pick a number from the Random Number Table and add it to your total.
If the total is 22 or less, turn to 10.
If the total is 23 or more, turn to 313.