Collision with the barrier has damaged Mad Dog’s car: a section of the front fender is buckled against the wheel, slowing it considerably. In your deadly duel, his supercharged car no longer has the advantage of speed. However, even though it is damaged, it still possesses enough power to enable him to catch you.
In the distance a bridge is fast approaching. It crosses a channelled drainageway, fed by the Pantano Wash. An Amcorp Landcruiser, one of the colony’s vehicles, has broken down and been abandoned on its approach ramp. The bus blocks two lanes of the freeway, leaving just enough room for one vehicle to pass.
The two of you speed towards this narrow gap, neck and neck, each determined to be the first to get across. Desperate to beat you, Mad Dog brings his speedster dangerously close. You are three seconds away from the gap when he rams your door.
Add your Driving skill total to your current ENDURANCE points score. Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add it to your total.
If your total score is 21 or less, turn to 220.
If your total score is 22–28, turn to 105.
If your total score is 29 or more, turn to 70.