While you are trying to think of an alternative power source, you check inside the truck’s cab and discover that it does not have automatic transmission: it has a manual, four-wheel drive system.
‘I think I may have the answer to our problem,’ you say, and proceed to explain your plan to the others. ‘If we can get this truck moving, we might just be able to shove-start it, using the manual gears.’
The others look sceptical but they are willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, especially as they can offer no alternative plan. With considerable effort, you manage to manhandle the pick-up onto the highway. Knott is the lightest and so he is chosen to steer the truck while the others, yourself included, push it as fast as you can. Once it has built up a reasonable speed, Knott engages high gear and releases the clutch pedal in the hope that the electrical power generated by the computerized alternator will be sufficient to spark the engine. The plan is not an instant success, but on the fifth attempt the power is sufficient to bring the engine coughing and spluttering back to life.
Owing to the sheer physical effort required to start the engine in this manner, you must now take a Drink or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.