Suddenly something hits you in the back. The impact knocks you flat on your face, and you gash your hands and cheek on the jagged rubble: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.
Although you have been hit by a bullet, you are not seriously wounded. Your Backpack has saved you from fatal injury: the bullet has lodged itself in one of your Medi-kits. (Erase one Medi-kit from your Action Chart. If you have no Medi-kits, erase the first item you have recorded on your list of Backpack Items.)
Breathlessly, you drag your aching body towards the front of the truck and start to help Frankland and Knott clear away the debris that is blocking your escape. A thick, wooden pole, which once supported overhead electricity cables in this part of town, is jammed between the wheel and the truck’s front fender. With your help, they are at last able to dislodge it, and Knott braves the gunfire to climb into the cab. The engine starts first time and, as he brings the truck over the mound, you and the captain leap onto the tailgate and pull yourselves aboard.
The street ends at a piece of wasteland, but a few hundred yards beyond lies a highway running east to west. The captain peers through the cabs partition window and gives a harsh laugh when he sees the highway.
‘Make for that road and head west,’ he commands, and Knott obeys. Then he turns to the sergeant and says, ‘It looks like you’re finally outvoted, Haskell. We’re on our way to Mimbres.’