You have entered what appears to be the living area of a small, well-equipped, efficiently organized colony. A bellows-operated air pump stands in one corner next to a bookcase filled to bursting with classical literature, disc-chips, and visi-cassettes. There are compact industrial batteries to supply power to the ceiling lights, a hand-cranked generator, a short-wave receiver, video and hi-fi equipment, a wall-mounted cine-screen, a computer and VDU, a first aid kit, and cupboards from floor to ceiling filled, no doubt, with other essential and luxury items.
Opposite the door by which you entered, in the corner of the room is an open trapdoor. A flight of steps descends into the darkness of another room directly below the one in which you now stand. You point to it, Knott nods his head, and together you approach the steps with your guns at the ready.
If your Perception skill total is 4 or less, turn to 139.
If your Perception skill total is 5 or more, turn to 77.