Coarse shouts and whooping screams of delight echo from behind the building: the clansmen have discovered the truck. The news is relayed to Mad Dog Michigan, stirring him to a fearful rage. ‘They’re here, I know it!’ he screams, demonically. ‘Find them! Find them! I want them dead!’
He paces the main street, shaking his fist at the buildings on either side, demanding that his men fulfil his lust for revenge. They storm the building on which you hide and at once you begin looking for a way out.
The fire escape offers no solution: its ladder descends to the main street. There is only one way off the roof and that is to jump to the neighbouring building fifteen feet away. After jamming the roof door to delay the clansmen for as long as possible, the captain leads the escape. The others throw their guns and equipment across and then make the jump safely. You are making the run-up to your jump when you hear a loud burst of gunfire and see the roof door collapse, shot off its hinges.
Add together your Stealth skill total and your current ENDURANCE points score (ignoring any encumbrance penalties you have due to the number of Backpack Items you possess). Now pick a number from the Random Number Table and add this figure to your score.
If your total score is 18 or less, turn to 45.
If your total is 19–22, turn to 349.
If it is 23 or more, turn to 130.