The Omega Zone


You point to the left and motion Knott to follow as you crawl silently along the ditch, away from the clansmen’s position. Fifty yards later, you reach a drainage tunnel. It is impossible to pass any further in this direction, for the roof of the tunnel has collapsed and sealed the entrance.

‘We’ll have to make a run for the freeway,’ you whisper. ‘I’ll lead.’

When the coast looks clear, you clamber out of the ditch and move forward, crouching as you run, your eyes fixed on a shadowy archway ahead. You have covered only a few yards when you hear a faint noise somewhere on the freeway above. There is a flash, and then a beam of torchlight pours down from the barrier parapet and sweeps across your path.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table, and add to it your current Stealth skill total.

If your total score is 7 or less, turn to 162.

If it is 8 or more, turn to 259.

Project AonThe Omega Zone