The gas station’s three storage tanks have been emptied of fuel recently, but a little still remains at the bottom of each. It takes an hour to siphon this residual gasolene—less than two gallons—from the tanks, by which time Sergeant Haskell has been able to seal the three bullet holes.
While Haskell is pouring the precious gasolene into the truck, you help Knott to make a quick search of the gas station for useful spares. Your search uncovers the following items:
- Electrolyte
- Wire Cutters
- Screwdriver
If you wish to keep any of these Backpack Items, adjust your Action Chart accordingly.
Captain Frankland is disappointed at having found so little fuel, but Knott assures him that it should be sufficient to enable you to reach Lordsburg and rendezvous with the colony. Once the refuelling has been completed, you climb aboard and set off in a new direction—north, towards a junction with Interstate Freeway 10.