You race across to the gas station and slide to a halt behind its solitary pump just as the first of the bikers reaches the apex of the bridge. Seconds later the captain’s voice bellows the order: ‘Open fire!’ The others obey, strafing the Angelinos as they come speeding off the bridge. Two riders are hit and fall from their machines; a third has his front tyre shot out and loses control, crashing into the parapet; but the fourth rider seems to escape injury and comes screaming away from the bridge, heading on a collision course with the gas pump. An icicle of fear stabs your heart as you realize that he does not intend to stop.
If you wish to fire at the approaching biker and are able to do so, turn to 299.
If you decide to dive out of his path, turn to 182.
If your Perception skill total is 6 or more, turn to 268.