The Omega Zone


You bring your rifle to your shoulder and, as you align the sights at the assassin’s chest, you see him take up a pair of binocular-like field glasses, which hang from a strap around his neck. He places these bulky lenses to his visor and begins to search the surrounding rooftops. This strikes you as a curious thing to do as the buildings are close: surely he does not need binoculars to be able to see if anyone is standing on top of them?

He dips the lenses and scans the ground floor windows of the courthouse, and a sudden chill stabs your heart as you realize that he is not using a regular pair of binoculars: they are sophisticated, enhanced-resolution, image intensifiers. He sees you and immediately you squeeze the trigger, fearful that you have left your shot too late.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your Shooting skill total.

If your total score is 10 or less, turn to 346.

If it is 11 or more, turn to 4.

Project AonThe Omega Zone