You crash down on the broken roadway with your arms outstretched and your hands scrabbling to find something to cling to. An exposed steel rod falls beneath your grasp and you grab at it with bloodied fingers. Below, you hear a loud splash as your roadster crashes into the Colorado River; above, there is the rumble of falling debris. Then a shower of dust and loose stones hits your head. They graze your scalp and make you cough violently: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.
Bravely you hang on to the corroded steel rod, praying all the while for Rickenbacker and the others to come to your aid. When they do arrive they throw you the end of a rope, which lands close to your right shoulder, and urge you to take hold of it so that they can pull you to safety.
With difficulty, you grasp the rope and slowly you are hoisted away from the crumbling edge. As eager hands lift you to your feet, you notice an expanding circle of ripples in the river below. They mark the final resting place of your roadster.