California Countdown


Before leaving Red Rock, a call comes through on the transceiver in Macy and Langdon’s car. It is Pop Ewell radioing to tell you that the convoy is now ready to leave Tucson. You report that the freeway is clear as far as Red Rock, and that you will continue ahead and scout Eloy, the next major town on Interstate 10.

North of Red Rock, the freeway climbs towards a mountain pass called the Picacho, and the surrounding craggy peaks strike you as ideal sniper territory. Rather than run the risk of being ambushed, you decide to pull over, and signal to Macy and Langdon to do likewise. You point out the risk but they are not convinced: they have scouted this territory many times in the past few months and they feel you are being too careful. So confident are they that the pass is deserted, they volunteer to check it out on their own. Reluctantly you agree to their request.

While you wait for them to return, you must take a Drink or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

Turn to 163.

Project AonCalifornia Countdown