California Countdown


You reach the front door and pull it shut behind you to prevent the hornets from following you out into the street. The stings you have sustained to your face, neck, and hands throb painfully. If you possess at least three Medi-kit units, you are able to soothe the inflammation with some ointment: restore 1 ENDURANCE point. (If you wish to do this, remember to erase one Medi-kit unit from your list.)3

When you have fully recovered from your encounter with the hornets, you check your equipment and return to Rickenbacker.

Turn to 300.

[3] The instructions on how to use the Medi-kit are unclear. A reasonable way to interpret them is to restore 1 ENDURANCE point in addition to the 3 ENDURANCE points typically restored by the Medi-kit. Another reasonable interpretation is that the Medi-kit is not as effective against this inflammation as usual and can only restore 1 ENDURANCE point.

Project AonCalifornia Countdown