A wave of burning heat lashes your back and tightens the skin on your face and hands as you sprint towards the test laboratories. The explosions are growing louder and more frequent, and the floor shudders violently beneath your feet. You are only a few feet from the door to the first laboratory when a sudden gush of scorching air makes you cry out in pain. It shrivels your eyelashes and blisters the lining of your nose and throat: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.
Beyond the door you discover a room filled with electrical test equipment. There is no other door from the room and the corridor is now so full of toxic smoke that it would be suicidal to go back that way. Only the windows offer any chance of escape from the inferno, but when you take a closer look at them your heart sinks. They are armoured panels: a criss-cross of wire netting sandwiched between two sheets of plate glass, each 25mm thick!
As the paint on the inside of the laboratory door blisters and ignites, you hammer frantically at the window with the butt of your gun.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your Stealth skill score. If you possess a Monkey Wrench, a Hammer, or a Baseball Bat, add 2 points to your score. If you possess a Fire Axe, add 4 points.
If your total score is 9 or less, turn to 273.
If your total score is 10 or more, turn to 72.