California Countdown


You gain entry to the warehouse through an open side door. The lock that once secured this steel door looks like it has been smashed with a heavy implement, probably a sledgehammer, and consequently you do not hold high hopes of finding much of value inside. Once inside, your suspicions are confirmed. The warehouse has been thoroughly ransacked, and what little of worth that could not be taken away has been smashed or befouled.

After forty minutes of painstakingly sifting through the debris, you discover a case of dried soya protein wedged beneath a stack of dishwashers. The machines have fallen off a storage platform on the first floor of the warehouse, and now they form a lopsided pyramid atop the case.

You are carefully extracting the precious case of food from beneath the stack of shattered machines when suddenly you hear the sound of metal scraping against metal high above your head. You look up, and to your horror, you see the white flash of a washing machine as it comes tumbling towards your face.


Pick a number from the Random Number Table. Now add together your Stealth and Perception skill scores, and add their total to the number you have picked.

If your total score is 14 or less, turn to 297.

If your total score is 15 or more, turn to 139.

Project AonCalifornia Countdown