California Countdown


You land on the broken roadway with your arms outstretched and your hands scrabbling to find something to cling to. An exposed steel rod falls beneath your grasp and you clasp it with bloodied fingers, while your feet swing wildly in the void. Dust and debris are falling on your head and shoulders, grazing your scalp and causing you to cough violently: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

Stoically you hang on to the bending steel rod while Rickenbacker and the others come to your aid. They throw the end of a rope, which lands close to your right shoulder, and urge you to take hold of it so that they can pull you to safety.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your current ENDURANCE points score.

If your total score is 24 or less, turn to 269.

If your total score is 25 or more, turn to 77.

Project AonCalifornia Countdown