California Countdown


The clansman reaches through one of the shattered door panels and fumbles for the lever that will release the lock. It takes him a few seconds but he finds it and the door springs open like a concertina. Quickly he disappears from sight, and then you hear Kate scream as she catches sight of him. Her scream is soon echoed by another, one that you recognize immediately as Aunt Betty-Ann’s.

At once you leap out from behind the garbage cart and run headlong towards the open door, oblivious to the bullets that are whistling past on all sides. As you reach the entrance, you almost throw yourself aboard the bus in your haste to prevent the clansman from harming the two women. As you regain your feet you see your aunt grappling with the thug in the centre aisle, her hands locked around the muzzle of his gun in a desperate attempt to prevent him from firing it. The gun goes off, stitching a circle of holes in the roof, and your aunt is knocked backwards as the barrel is torn from her grasp. Before he can bring his gun to bear on the two helpless women, you dive forward and drag the clansman crashing to the floor of the bus.


Owing to the surprise of your attack, ignore any ENDURANCE point losses that you sustain in the first round of combat.

If you win the combat, turn to 52.

Project AonCalifornia Countdown