Apprehensively you descend towards the crumbling roadway and, as you approach the centre of the dam, you try to steer towards the widest section of the remaining concrete surface. Everything is going well until your front wheels jam in a widening rut and the roadster comes to a sudden stop. You pump the gas pedal and the floor shudders as the rear wheels spin uselessly on the powdery surface. Then the car lurches to the left, as the section on which you are caught begins to break away from the rest of the dam and slip towards the edge.
‘Jump for it, Cal!’ screams Rickenbacker. Instinctively you know that it is too late to save your roadster, but not too late to save your life. As the left side of the car tilts towards the river far below, you clamber out of your seat and make a desperate leap for the roadway.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table, and add it to your Stealth skill score and your current ENDURANCE points score.
If all three scores when added together total 25 or less, turn to 333.
If your total score is 26–29, turn to 170.
If your total score is 30 or more, turn to 102.