With the engine still running, you slip the transmission into neutral and leap out of your roadster. Avenal’s face drops when he sees you approach. He steps back, hesitates, and then raises his machine pistol. At once, Frazer steps between you.
‘Quit it you two … right now!’ he growls, and slaps Avenal’s gun down. ‘Back off,’ he barks at his blond sidekick. Then he turns to you and says: ‘As for you, Phoenix, I oughta punch you out right here an’ now. Goin’ off into the night without tellin’ anyone could o’ got you killed. Now, get back in your car and get outta my sight before I change my mind ’bout teaching you a lesson.’
Chastened by his harsh words, you hurry back into your car and drive towards the centre of the town.