California Countdown


You return to the convoy to find many of the colonists in a state of shock. Several groups of women and children are huddled together for comfort, many of them sobbing. A few people are shouting incoherently, while others stare vacantly at the ground, or point seemingly at random at the surrounding ruins. Everywhere you look there is an air of chaos and confusion.

By far the largest group of colonists is gathered around Mike Gorgas’ truck. You stop nearby, and as you hurry over to find out what exactly is wrong, you see Cutter emerge from the group.

‘What’s wrong?’ you ask.

‘It’s Gorgas,’ he replies. ‘He’s dead.’

The news sends a cold shiver down your spine. ‘But h-how?’ you continue, your voice wavering.

‘Murdered, by the looks of it. Knife through the heart. Rex Tyler found him in his cab ’bout five minutes ago.’

You look over Cutter’s shoulder and see two Tucson men holding Rex Tyler firmly by the arms. Fear is stark in Rex’s eyes as another Tucson colonist launches a stream of questions at him, and jabs him repeatedly in the chest with his index finger.

‘Why are they holding Rex?’ you ask, growing concerned for your friend’s safety.

‘They reckon he’s the killer,’ replies Cutter.

‘But Rex wouldn’t hurt a fly,’ interjects Rickenbacker. ‘I can’t believe it’s him.’

‘Neither can I,’ says Cutter, ‘but it was his knife they found in Gorgas’ chest.’

‘What’s gonna happen to him now?’ you say.

‘I guess we’ll have to give him a fair trial—it’s the least we can do. Only it’s gonna have t’ wait. Macy and Langdon have spotted some Outlaw scouts on their way here. They’re heading a large pack, judging by their numbers, and they’re only ’bout three hours away, so they reckon. I hope you two didn’t find no trouble in Sentinel ’cause we’d better move out now if we’re gonna stay ahead of those clansmen.’

If you want to break the bad news to Cutter and tell him about the rockfall at the Painted Mountain Pass, turn to 10.

If you wish to investigate Mike Gorgas’ death first, turn to 74.

Project AonCalifornia Countdown