A line of dust flurries chases towards you as the clansman’s bullets drill themselves into the ground. Rickenbacker returns fire, buying you enough time to roll back to the cover of the car, but not before one of the slugs has gouged a furrow of flesh from the calf of your right leg: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.
Wincing from the pain of your wound, you drag yourself to your knees and fumble for your weapon. Then the chattering of your partner’s machine pistol stops in mid-burst, and you hear him cursing as frantically he struggles to extract a dud cartridge that has jammed in the breech.
Seconds later the shadowy figure reappears in the doorway clutching a gun at hip level.
If you wish to open fire at this target, turn to 25.
If you choose not to open fire, turn to 334.