California Countdown


The windows of this store are so caked with dirt that it is impossible to see inside. You imagine an Aladdin’s cave full of food just waiting to be scooped off the shelves, but your hopes are dashed when you force open one of the Supermart’s electric doors and gain entry.

The first thing you notice is the sunlight streaming in where part of the rear wall has collapsed. Over the past year this gap has allowed foraging clansmen and packs of hungry mountain wolves to take nearly everything worth taking from the store. Only when you search the store rooms on the basement level do you find a case of canned foodstuffs that are still edible. You are pulling it down off the shelf when suddenly you discover why the clansmen and the wolves left this case untouched.

Behind the case is a nesting rattlesnake. Until now it has been sleeping, but the sudden, unexpected movement of the case has awoken it and, in fear and surprise, it lashes out and attempts to sink its venomous fangs into your throat.


Pick a number from the Random Number Table. Now add together your Stealth and Field Craft skill scores and add this total to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 12 or less, turn to 346.

If your total score is now 13 or more, turn to 258.

Project AonCalifornia Countdown