California Countdown


You drag the clansman’s body into the back of the panel truck and make a quick search of his clothing.

You uncover the following items:

  • Pistol (containing ten rounds of 9mm ammunition)
  • Club (2)
  • Water Canteen
  • Enough water for two Drinks
  • Cigarette Lighter
  • Solar Torch

As you are about to leave the panel truck, you hear a clansman calling out his partner’s name. You wait with bated breath until the shouting ceases, and then you hurry back to your roadster.

The dust storm is still raging fiercely as you head back onto Highway 84. Your return to the intersection with Interstate 8 passes without incident and soon you are driving west once more towards Gila Bend. It is a difficult and frustrating drive, for you cannot shake the fear that Kate will have lapsed into a coma before your return with the Atropine, and yet you dare not increase your speed for fear of crashing off the freeway. The strain takes its toll—lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

During your return drive you must take a Drink or lose a further 3 ENDURANCE points.

To continue, turn to 160.

Project AonCalifornia Countdown