The choking fumes swirl around your body as you race up the iron staircase. You reach the top in a matter of seconds, but already the heat from the blaze is becoming intolerable. You feel your skin tightening and your throat and nostrils seizing up. Desperately you kick open the door and throw yourself into the office beyond it. At that moment, a huge explosion rocks the building and you are sent sprawling to the floor. Dazed by the blast and weakened by the heat and toxic fumes, you stagger to your feet and stumble drunkenly towards another door. As if in answer to your prayers, this one is marked ‘FIRE EXIT’.
With trembling hands you reach out to push the locking bar, but, to your horror, you find that it is chained and padlocked shut!
Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it your Field Craft skill score. If you possess a Flexible Saw, Bolt Cutters, or Wire Cutters, add a further 3 points of your score.
If your total score is now 8 or less, turn to 185.
If your total score is now 9 or more, turn to 7.