Grey Star the Wizard


You hurl yourself into the mass of fighting soldiers. At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point18, you throw down two Shadakine warriors. Shan disarms a third with a lucky blow.

The Shadakine warriors have become disordered by your attack, but you are still surrounded by four of them, who originally were commanded to guard the rear. You must fight them as one enemy and to the death. Shan adds 3 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the combat.

Shadakine Rearguard: COMBAT SKILL 25   ENDURANCE 30

If you are still alive after three rounds of combat, turn to 189.

[18] If you do not have sufficient WILLPOWER points, you may choose to simply subtract the specified number of WILLPOWER points. This may leave you with a negative WILLPOWER score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative. Alternatively, you may choose the method used in Section 175 of War of the Wizards for resolving this problem: For the WILLPOWER points you lack, you use ENDURANCE points at a rate of 2 ENDURANCE points for every 1 WILLPOWER point (i.e. 2 ENDURANCE points = 1 WILLPOWER point).

Project AonGrey Star the Wizard