The power of the Kazim Stone is overwhelming; it undermines your resistance, and pries into the corners of your mind; it disturbs the dust of your memories and trespasses upon the hidden chambers of your dreams.
Mother Magri’s eyes widen with spiteful pleasure. You are powerless to prevent her intrusion into your mind. You try to blank your thoughts, searching for the safety of the Shianti way, the solace of meditation, but it is useless. The Kazim Stone is too strong.
‘There now—I see it,’ rasps Mother Magri, scrutinizing the vague shapes and shadows of the Stone. ‘Something’s there, some hidden purpose or grand design. Agh! It is protected. Some power hides it. More wizard’s sorcery no doubt. Will this mist never part?’
The hours of your ordeal pass slowly. Mother Magri chants and intones every charm and spell in every language that she knows, but she cannot penetrate the curtain that enfolds your memory, shrouding that part of your mind that bears your quest. It must be Shianti enchantment bestowed, without your knowing, by the masters of the Isle of Lorn. However, Mother Magri does not relent, and you lose 4 WILLPOWER points and 2 ENDURANCE points. You feel the growing pull of insanity and a raging madness clamouring in your ears.
If your WILLPOWER points total is above zero, or you have the Magic Talisman of the Shianti, turn to 348.
If your WILLPOWER total has now fallen to zero or below, turn to 237.