Grey Star the Wizard


The hopping, fluttering Najin lead you into the stark, featureless hills. Eventually you come to a small cave entrance perched on a narrow ridge, overlooking a steep fall to the outlying hills below.

An old man sits cross-legged before the cave entrance, staring out across the heights with sightless eyes. Without lifting his head or looking in your direction, he speaks. ‘Who comes? Who disturbs the solitude of Jnana?’


‘It is I, Tanith,’ she says. ‘I bring Grey Star, a great wizard who dares to oppose the evil Wytch-king. He is in need of counsel.’

‘I seek the Lost Tribe of Lara,’ you say, ‘for I have a quest and need their aid.’

The old man is silent for a while. ‘You must go south to the great jungle of the Azanam. The way is fraught with danger, for you must pass through the great Azagad Gorge and the towers of stone known as the “Dragon’s Teeth”.’

‘The Azagad Gorge is a vast canyon and the “Dragon’s Teeth” are the great limestone pinnacles that stand throughout the gorge,’ explains Shan. ‘The Azagad Gorge ends at the great cliffs known as the Wall of Azakawa; the Shenwu Falls lie at their centre. Beyond and above the cliffs is the great cloud forest of the Azanam.’

‘It is a strange land, full of weird and hostile beasts,’ warns Jnana. ‘You are unprepared for such a journey, but I will offer you such gifts as I have to aid you.’

He brings the following items from his cave and motions to you to take your choice.

  • Silver Charm (a Special Item that Jnana claims will bring good luck)
  • Enough food for 5 meals
  • Broadsword (Weapon)
  • 2 Potions of Laumspur (they each restore 3 ENDURANCE points; may count as Backpack Items or Herb Pouch Items if you have the Power of Alchemy)
  • Coil of Rope (Backpack Item)

Remember that your Backpack can hold a maximum of eight items.

Shan and Tanith are also given food, backpacks, and weapons of their choice. Gratefully, you thank Jnana for his aid.

If you possess the Magical Power of Alchemy, turn to 193.

If not, turn to 15.

Project AonGrey Star the Wizard