Grey Star the Wizard


You are standing in a small dell. Ahead lies the Suhni River and beyond the river, a forest. ‘Come,’ says Tanith, ‘there is a bridge nearby. We must cross the bridge to gain the safety of the forest before we can rest.’

‘The witch speaks the truth,’ comments Shan, returning the girl’s icy glare contemptuously. Though you have barely rested, you continue onwards, coming at last to a wide road that crosses the Suhni River by means of a large, ornate bridge.

‘It will not be long before the Shadakine come searching for us,’ says Tanith. ‘Have you a spell that would destroy this bridge and hinder their pursuit?’

If you wish to destroy the bridge with the Power of Elementalism, turn to 31.

If you would prefer to create a barrier with the aid of the Power of Sorcery, turn to 48.

If you would rather conserve your energy, turn to 244.

Project AonGrey Star the Wizard