Grey Star the Wizard


Cautiously, you begin to fish for information. The shrewd eyes of the innkeeper narrow, and he leans towards you, speaking in a low voice. ‘If it’s information you’re after, you’d best remember that these are dangerous times,’ he says, ‘and dangerous talk costs lives they say, if you take my meaning sir,’ he adds, stretching his upturned palm towards you.

You drop one Noble into his hand, but he only shakes his head saying, ‘And life doesn’t come cheap, now, does it sir?’

The innkeeper only closes his hand when you have given him another four Nobles. (Remember to cross these off your Action Chart.) ‘Now then young master, what was it exactly that you wanted to know?’ Anxiously, you enquire after the legend of the Lost Tribe of Lara.

‘The Lost Tribe!’ he exclaims, incredulously. With a frightened expression, the innkeeper stands back. ‘Never been outside Suhn in all my life,’ he splutters, ‘and that’s forbidden talk, against Shadakine law. You’d best try them over there,’ he says, pointing to a nearby table. ‘They’re travellers throughout these lands.’ The innkeeper pockets your money and dashes away to another part of the bar before you can protest.

Turn to 105.

Project AonGrey Star the Wizard