You slash the tip of your Wizard’s Staff across the tendril that is wrapped around your ankle. At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point,30 you burn through the tough vine and free your foot. You clamber to your feet only to see the tendrils of another Yaku plant snaking towards you.
With a frightened yell Shan falls to the ground; a Yaku tendril is coiled around both his legs. He hacks at it desperately with his sword.
If you wish to free Shan by attacking the tendril that drags him towards the waving spines of the Yaku, turn to 204.
If you wish to strike at the heart of the Yaku plant that attacked you, turn to 229.
If you wish to loose a bolt of energy at the centre of the Yaku plant attacking Shan (at long range), turn to 254.