Grey Star the Wizard


You leave the road, and after travelling a short way through the thickening trees, you discover a small clearing sheltered by a large, overhanging Acacia tree.

You decide to rest here. You are hungry and must eat 1 Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points, and 2 Meals (if you have any left) must be given to Tanith and Shan. (Remember to cross all these from your Action Chart.)

You have no blankets and dare not start a fire for fear of revealing your hiding place, but fortunately it is a warm night. Shan and Tanith insist that you sleep while they take it in turns to keep watch. Wryly, you point out that it is the first time that they have agreed about anything.

If you decide to take up their offer, turn to 85.

If you would prefer to take the first watch, turn to 275.

Project AonGrey Star the Wizard