Looking up, you see that the tunnel leads to an almost vertical shaft; the glare of sunlight blinds your eyes. Cursing breathlessly, you jump up and catch hold of a thick plant root protruding from the earth wall of the shaft and begin to climb. The narrow shaft is barely wide enough to let you pass and the climb is difficult and slow. Halfway up the shaft you cry out: you are stuck in a bottle-neck and can no longer move.
The first of the enraged soldier Mantiz enters the shaft, and reaching out with its extended forelegs, it makes a grab for your flailing legs. A slash of burning pain ravages your right leg as a spurt of acid strips your calf to the bone. You lose 8 ENDURANCE points.
With a desperate cry, you squeeze yourself through the gap and pull yourself free. Your leg is numb and hinders your climb, but with a superhuman effort you reach the top of the shaft. You have reached the surface at last and find yourself in a large clearing, surrounded by towering trees and dense, green foliage.