For three days, you head north towards the Chansi Hills. During this time you regain 3 WILLPOWER points and 6 ENDURANCE points. The dense forest provides ample cover for your journey and you manage to avoid the occasional Shadakine patrols quite easily.
You carry no provisions but Tanith is able to feed the whole party. Demonstrating an uncanny mastery over animals, she is able to summon small birds down from the trees and rabbits from their burrows. Then, after calling the mesmerized creatures to her, she coolly wrings their necks. Considering her part done, she insists that Shan should do the cooking and a disgruntled Shan agrees.
Coming at last to the forest’s edge, where it borders on the Chansi Hills, you discover clumps of wild Laumspur growing along the river bank. If you have the Magical Power of Alchemy, you may take some of the Laumspur and store it in your Herb Pouch. (Remember to mark this clump of Laumspur on your Action Chart.) Swallowing it will enable you to regain 4 ENDURANCE points. If you do not have the Power of Alchemy and wish to regain 4 ENDURANCE points, you must eat the Laumspur while it is fresh; you cannot take it with you.
You find a shallow ford crossing the Suhni River and stop to stare at the solemn hills ahead. ‘We must go up into the hills to find the cave of Jnana,’ says Tanith.
Suddenly Shan cries out, ‘The enemy is upon us; look—the Najin are coming.’ He points up at the sky.
Looking up, you see a cloud of ape-like beasts with grey skins and black, bat-like wings that propel them towards you at great speed. ‘Do not fear,’ Tanith says rushing forward.
‘But Grey Star,’ says Shan, ‘these monsters are slaves of Shasarak, the Wytch-king. We are betrayed.’
The Najin swoop towards you, flying low along the line of the hills.
If you wish to attack the Najin, turn to 101.
If you wish to wait for them to draw closer, turn to 126.