Grey Star the Wizard


Leaping to your feet, you charge at the backs of the unsuspecting crossbowmen, your staff swinging and blazing a trail of magical fire. Shan attempts the same dramatic gesture, clumsily waving his sword, but fails to achieve the same effect.

Before the crossbowmen are able to release their arrows, you are upon them. Add 2 to your COMBAT SKILL owing to the surprise of your attack, plus a further 2, owing to Shan’s presence. You must fight the crossbowmen as one enemy and to the death.

Shadakine Crossbowmen: COMBAT SKILL 25   ENDURANCE 32

If you win the combat and wish to attack the Shadakine on the bridge at long range, turn to 88.

If you win the combat and wish to charge the Shadakine, turn to 94.

Project AonGrey Star the Wizard